Depression is not a condition or sauciness that one should get over it alone.
It is a serious mental illness that needs to be followed with an expert.


What is Anxiety?

Worry or anxiety is a negative perception, visualizing and believing in the mind that a possible circumstance may happen in future will certainly come true in this way. Unlike fear, there is no physical threat in anxiety.

The fear center in our minds records all that may occur based on incidents we experience or see happening and when it finds a similar clue, it starts to operate the sympathetic nervous system. The goal is to instinctively maintain the organism. When this nervous system works, a lot of physical symptoms occur because at that moment, the nervous system prepares you for three basic cases; to escape, to fight or to petrify. These are physical symptoms that people with anxiety disorders feel from mild to severe in the moment of attack.


There are effective methods in the treatment of anxiety disorders with very successful results. It is possible to achieve success, especially with hypnotherapy and cognitive therapy techniques. Another important point in the treatment is how a person overcomes these anxious thoughts or images. As a matter of fact, because the coping method is usually in the form of avoidance, it eventually reaches to the level of being a disease. Anxiety creation circumstance is present in everyone, it calms down in short time when it's in avoidance form, but in the long run, it causes an increase in the disease. (I.e. Like someone with social phobia avoiding crowded places ...)

For more information

Çoğu zaman bu belirtilerden korkulur, mesela panik atakta kişi kalp atışlarının artmasını kalp krizi olarak algılar ve kaygısı artar. Kaygı bozukluğunda başlıca fiziksel belirtiler ise;

  • Tachycardia, palpitations, hearing the heart beat,
  • Sweating,
  • Shiver and shake,
  • Shortness of breath, as if drowning,
  • Cessation of breath,
  • Chest pain, chest distress,
  • Nausea, abdominal pain,
  • Dizziness, lightheadedness, falling / fainting feeling,
  • Derealization, depersonalization (Self-alienation, a sense of altered reality),
  • Feeling like losing control, going crazy,
  • Fear of death,
  • Paresthesia (numbness, tingling)
  • Tremor, chill, hot flushes,



Individuals or teams who want to master their corporate or individual relationships, identify and clean up their problems in this field and take advantage of good relations in roles such as leader executive, partner or team member.


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